Thursday, April 25, 2019

Calling India. A test of patience. A prayer for deliverance.

In the world of business, one must always be mindful of expenditures. Where can a company save money? Many corporations have opted to replace their American receptionists with call centers in other countries such as India and Indonesia--places in which the wage they pay their employees is far less than their American counterparts. Although this may be financially savvy for the employer, it can be utterly frustrating for the client.

Today, I had the joy of calling a home infusion pharmacy to dispute a bill. The billing department is a call center in India. I have interacted with this facility before, and it is always a tooth and nail fight with the receptionists. I try to maintain a calm, collected disposition, but I am always challenged. The call center employees do not allow me to speak a full sentence before they go on a two minute rant about some topic. I often try to politely interrupt this monologue and attempt to explain my situation. I never am able to get any resolution to my problems. I can tell the language and cultural differences impede communication.

I wish I could get the home infusion pharmacy to speak with my insurance company. There seems to be a miscommunication between the two places of business. Instead, I am forced to go between the two companies and never have any satisfaction. It seems all my efforts are in vain. Ultimately, I am told by the home infusion pharmacy, it doesn't matter what the insurance company says, I am wrong. I owe the pharmacy money. I must pay. If I do not pay the bill, it will be sent to collections.

I try to not let my blood pressure skyrocket. I attempt to keep a steady, slow voice as I speak to India. I fight my increasing heart rate and pray to God. "Help me! Help me speak clearly. Help this man hear what I am saying. In Your Word it says, 'Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity' (Proverbs 21:23). Please help me from falling into destructive speech. Please lead me in the way I should go. Please resolve this financial situation."

As God would have it, a good friend of mine just came back from India. He posted photos of his trip on Facebook. It was heart-wrenching looking at the filthy streets and over-crowded dwellings in which some many people live. As I viewed the images, I could not help but think about the call center in India. "Oh LORD, help these people! Help the folks at the call center provide for their families. Help the employees have enough wealth to live away from these smog-laden and excrement-filled streets. Help these people find You in the midst of so much poverty and despair. In Jesus' name. Amen."

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