Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Beaten, but not defeated

This year has been one financial hurdle after another and one medical crisis after another. I feel like have been been beaten over and over again. Every time I think I have things figured out, something goes wrong. I have been praying to God, "Why are You making this so difficult? I am following everyone's rules. Why is everything going awry?"

This week, perhaps, things are starting to go in the right direction. During my last hospitalization, I was in extreme pain. My pseudomonas infection has invaded my joints. My head, neck, right shoulder and back scream in pain. As the infection is treated, the pain lessens. In the meantime, I actually had a doctor who cared I was in pain. I often mention I am in pain, but nothing is ever done. This one doctor, who was a fellow, was bound and determined to get me pain-free. Despite my case being handed off to another medical team during my hospitalization, the theme of getting my pain score down to a 5 was maintained. When Tylenol with codeine did not touch my pain, my drug was changed to Vicodin (hydrocodone with Tylenol). Finally, I had some relief!

When I was discharged, the attending gave me a prescription for 60 Vicodin pills! Well, ladies and gentlemen, you may not be familiar with this ludicrous "opioid epidemic" we are told we are in, but getting narcotics is growing more and more impossible. Doctors cannot prescribe pain pills without the constant threat of having their medical licenses revoked. Despite being in extreme pain, it is better for the physician to let the person suffer than to give out any pain medication. So, getting 60 Vicodin pills was like winning the lottery!

Now comes the obstacle. My drug insurance company was being a pain in the rear about getting narcotics. They have a policy that if you have not gotten narcotics in the last 90 days, the doctor has to submit additional paperwork stating the medical necessity for the medicine. (Did I mention we are in this "opioid epidemic" in which doctors will not prescribe narcotics, fearing they will have their medical licenses rescinded?") My primary care doctor did give me a prescription for Tylenol #3 a few months ago. I got the prescription filled 95 days ago...five days too late for the insurance to allow me to get the Vicodin without additional hoops to jump through.

I thought my prescription was all but lost. The doctor who prescribed the Vicodin is a hospital doctor, not my regular doctor. I was sure he would not take time out of his chaotic schedule to fill out busywork. But, to my delight, three days after requesting the additional information from the physician, my insurance received the paperwork and approved my medicine!!! Another miracle happened when I picked up my prescription. The price for 60 pills was only $0.62! I was pretty sure this was an error, but when I gave the cashier a dollar, she gave me back $0.38. I snatched up the bag with my prescription and fled the premises. I was sure someone was going to chase me down to demand more money and/or take away my pain meds. But so far, everything is good.

Other miracles have happened when I found out my insurance company does cover some services for which I have received bills. Despite being told the contrary, I have documentation that proves some of my bills my insurance company should have paid. Now, I have to call and attempt to get some of these financial situations resolved. I will still be in a huge amount of debt, but every little bit helps. Lastly, knowing God has been hearing my prayers is perhaps the most priceless lesson I have learned from all these situations. What a blessing it is that we have such a merciful Savior.

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