As I watch another online friend enter hospice and hear the desperation in her voice, "I don't want to die!" I sadly turn away from my computer screen, wiping the tears from my eyes. I want to run to my friend, scream to my friend, that this life is not the end! I want to tell her about Jesus and share with her all His promises. I want to share with her the tremendous hope and life there is with Jesus. Unfortunately, I am not able to do this; only her close family and friends are able to speak to her, of which, I am not.
So, perhaps, maybe someone else out in cyberland is facing difficult health challenges or burdens and wants to give up or is fearful of what happens after this life. I have been tremendously blessed with developing a relationship with Jesus Christ. In Him, there is no fear, only love, peace and joy. I once feared death, but now I know God directs my path. When He decides it is my time to go, my physical body will stop functioning. However, through a loving, saving relationship with Jesus, when I am absent from this world, I will be present with Jesus in heaven.
So each day I wake up, I press forth with as much energy and effort as I can muster. Since God has not called me home, yet, I know there must be something He wants me to accomplish. When I become discouraged or when the symptoms become overwhelming, I take tremendous comfort in knowing that in heaven there is no sickness, only absolute perfection. With this knowledge in hand, I forge forth fearless. As my Pastor likes to say, "What's the worse thing that can happen to someone who knows and trusts Jesus as his Lord and Savior? He dies and goes to heaven."
My friend, if you are reading this and do not now Jesus as your Savior, I ask that you pray to Him. Ask for the forgiveness of sins. Admit there is nothing you can do to repay God for all the sins you have committed, and you need Jesus to save you from God's eternal punishment. "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Chirist Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23). We all have a choice; we can choose heaven (having Jesus take the punishment for our sins) or choose to be accountable for our sins and endure God's eternal judgment ourselves. I hope you choose heaven. As I prepare for the end of another day, I pray Jesus is able to comfort my online friend (and all those who are reading this). May the love of Christ fill your life; and may fear and darkness be replaced with joy and light. All my love to you.
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