Saturday, August 20, 2016

Papaya..thanks for reminding me.

Lately, I have been running low on my fruit stash. I had accumulated a large store of fruit, which I kept mostly in the freezer. I have been eating it down and now am almost completely out of all fruit. Knowing my fruit supply was low, a dear friend bought me a small papaya. Oh, how wonderful! Oh how thoughtful! Yesterday, I eagerly sliced into the very ripe papaya. My oh my! How delicious it was! I slowly savored every bite. I ate about half the papaya and put the rest into the fridge for another day.

A short time later, I was in so much pain! My joints ached and my muscles burned. My heart sank. Oh, no! I must be having a bad health flare-up. I patiently kept my mind busy reading the Bible and listening to Bible commentary. Late last night, my symptoms started to slowly lessen. I thought how curious this flare-up was. It reminded me of my reactions when I eat anything made from grains. As I was pondering this, I thought , oh, I did eat papaya. I cannot remember when the last time I ate papaya...maybe five years ago? Maybe that was causing my muscles to flare-up.

As I was going to bed, I talked briefly with my mom and shared with her my potential findings. She bluntly responded, "Don't you remember? You tried papaya a couple years ago and have really bad reactions when you eat It. You get bad muscle pain." No, I do not remember, but thanks for reminding me. :)

Times like this, I have to smile. How does my she remember? It gives me another reason to praise God for my mom.

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