Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Simple Things

Today, I continue to patiently wait for my pancreas to cease from its current flare-up. Some days I handle the pain better than others. During this time, I must carefully walk the line trying to delicately balance how much fluids to eat/drink to fight off dehydration and how much pain I am willing to endure. Become dehydrated means I become very weak and cannot move without my heart racing out of control. Maintaining hydration means my pancreas will roar to life with pain, intestinal cramping, nausea and possibly vomiting and diarrhea. Praise the Lord, there are always good things to think about during this time.

This morning, I was lying on my stomach trying to get more comfortable, trying to lessen the pain. I suddenly was filled with immense gratitude. From 2010-2014, I used to have a feeding tube which protruded out of my abdomen. The feeding tube made it almost impossible to lie on my stomach. I do not like sleeping on my back, but that was the only position in which I could sleep without having the feeding tube contents/intestinal juice leak all over and burn my skin. This morning, I was so happy and so grateful that now I can sleep in any position. I no longer have to worry about my stoma leaking or getting my tube wrapped around something. I no longer have to listen to the swish and swirl of my feeding tube pump running. I can sleep in peace; I can sleep in any position. What a joy and a miracle that my intestines work well enough to allow me to be feeding tube free. "Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say rejoice" (Philippians 4:4).

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