Friday, July 28, 2017

Dear Lord. Please answer quickly.

Dear Lord,
As I prepare to spend yet another night in the intensive care unit, I pray You send Your warm arms to surround me with strength, courage and sleep. I am so tired--so tired of struggling to breathe, so tired of coughing, so tired of feeling as though I cannot tired. Lord, I know You know what ails my body. I know You can restore anyone to any health.

Please guide me in the way I should go. I so desperately want to proclaim Your glory and teach Your word to those around me. But, it is becoming nearly impossible to speak when my resting rate of respiration is 45-60 breaths per minute. It is also growing harder and harder to read and understand Your word from lack of sleep.

Lord, please provide comfort to my family. Please help them as they endure my seemingly endless medical dramas.

Lord, please send comfort and guidance my way. Please, Lord, answer quickly.

Your loving servant. Shabbat Shalom!

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