Today, I unintentionally eased dropped on my mom's conversation with a family friend. My heart broke as my mom talked about my health. My mom seemed so sad and hopeless. My mom thought for sure my health would improve this year. But on the contrary, I have become progressively sicker. My mom expressed hope that perhaps my body was now having a relapse and soon I would be feeling better. My mom then very reluctantly admitted, perhaps this was just a continuation of my option she does not want to accept.
So, if you are inclined to praying, keep my mom in your prayers. Her mom had the same illness I have and suffered many years. My grandmother has since gone to be with the Lord, which has been very hard on my mom. My mom, too, has the same illness. Thankfully, my mom's illness has stayed pretty constant as long as she does not have some other condition hindering her health--car accidents, E. coli infections, slipping and falling head first backwards on pavement, etc. As strong as my mom is, my health struggles have taken a tremendous toll on her. With little else to offer, I appreciate any prayers you could send her way. God bless.
Prayers for you and your mom🙏