Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Susan Douglass: A Mito Icon. Now at rest

This week has been set on my calendar for several months. I have been carefully planning my time in preparation to make a video about Mitochondrial Disease in celebration of Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Week (Sept 13-19).

When I logged in to Facebook to post my video to a few Mito Facebook groups, there on my newsfeed was an announcement that my dear friend Susan Douglass passed away. I cannot tell you how much my heart broke when reading the post.

Susan was one of the first people I met when I got my diagnosis of Mitochondrial Disease. She was a wealth of information. She was always so caring and provided a lot of comfort. Susan was a woman of faith and inspired others through her love of God.

For many years, Susan fought bravely. She never let her illness get in the way of helping others. She took a lot of time answering people's questions and providing wonderful insight and information. With Susan's passing, a large hole in the Mito community is left behind.

It is rather bittersweet that as we celebrate a week to raise awareness about Mitochondrial Disease, one of the biggest icons with the medical condition has passed. I feel really bad that my Mitochondrial Disease Awareness video was already uploaded to YouTube. I would have loved to have honored my dear friend at the end of the film.

Unfortunately, this is Mitochondrial Disease, and this is the reality of the disease. Every year, an untold number of people succumb to the medical malady. There is no cure for the disease. We cling to each other and lift each other up. Our hope is always the same that some day, some day soon, there will be no more deaths from Mitochondrial Disease.

To my dear friend Susan, thank you for all your hard work. You have greatly influenced the Mito community. May your body now be free from pain. You fought hard; now rest easy.

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