Thursday, May 17, 2018

When God sets a stumbling block in your way

For several months, I have been fighting daily with severe, chronic pancreas pain. After two failed GI doctor appointments, I was thrilled to be referred to a GI physician at my favorite medical center. Although the doctor did not specialize in the pancreas, I hoped I perhaps could be referred on to a doctor at the GI clinic whose expertise is the pancreas.

My appointment went well. The doctor was so kind and listened to everything I had to say. I was excited to have a great physician to be adding to my medical team. At the end of the appointment, the doctor wanted me to talked to her dear friend, the dietitian. And that’s where everything fell apart. Without going into all the details, the main theme of my encounter with the dietitian was our philosophies clashed. She had one idea about health, “You cannot get your nutrition from fruits and vegetables,” while I hold tried and true that my fruits and vegetables diet, which I have been on for the last seven years, has been the only source of food which has not made me severally sick. In fact, I was able to gain 30 much needed pounds when I started eating a produce-based diet.

During our meeting, I was told I needed to eat food in which I have adverse reactions to. Despite having Celiac Disease, I needed to eat gluten containing products. Despite having an anaphylactic reaction to rice, I needed to drink rice milk. Despite having a severe corn allergy, I needed to consume supplemental formula which contains corn as the main ingredient. If I did not overcome my “fear” of these foods, I needed to seek psychological counseling. I was not willing to oblige the dietitian in her demands.

After the nutrition expert left, a nurse gave me a summary about my visit. I noticed there was not a follow-up appointment noted. I inquired as to when I should schedule my next appointment. The nurse said, “If it is decided you need a follow-up appointment, you will be contacted.” Time has passed; no one has called me. I wonder if a follow-up appointment is not necessary, or if perhaps the dietitian swayed my doctor’s thoughts about my case. One may never know.

Although I could be frustrated, I know God directs all things. If this doctor and clinic were not the right place for me, a stumbling block will force me to search out another path. And thus, another avenue I am seeking. Perhaps some day I shall find relief from my constant, chronic pancreatitis pain. Until then, may God and His stumbling blocks continue to guide me.

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