Wednesday, May 17, 2023

How my failing voice is helping people worldwide

For about a year, I have been having a lot of issues with my voice. I get frustrated because my voice gives out in my videos. To disguise this, I have learned to place photos and images in my videos. Also, since my voice sometimes becomes weak, I feel my sentences are not always easy to understand. I have started putting the text to my videos on the screen along with photos or images of what I am speaking about.

Someone recently contacted me from Brazil. He thanked me. His English is very basic, but because I place images on the screen and also a lot of text, he is able to figure out what I am talking about.

I have been very frustrated with my voice. Creating videos which have lots and lots of images in them is very tedious and time consuming. I guess I never imaged this hindrance is actually helping people worldwide understand my videos. This is yet another time where God is using all things for good.


  1. Dear warrior lady,
    It is necessary to remind the saying "There is no disease, there is a patient". Every illness is experienced differently. Because every person is unique.
    I am an als patient and can speak with tracheostomy cannula + Ventilator. Maybe I won't be able to speak in the future. ALS is a progressive motor neuron disease. Some patients with bulbar involvement cannot speak in the early period. They also cannot speak after tracheostomy. Because there is weakness in the muscles necessary to produce speech.
    I have been following your blog and Youtube channel since the day I discovered it. Glad you're there and you are truly informative, enlightening and inspiring. After all, you share your experiences. Being human means sharing and spreading knowledge. I hope those who make negative comments will also experience an enlightenment. Best regards

  2. Hello. Thank you so much for your message. I really appreciate it. Thank you for sharing some of your story with me. Thank you so much for your support and encourage. I really appreciate that. All my best to you.

  3. Love you lots 🖤
