Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Hoping for a great birthday present!

It’s another year, and my mom is another year older. This year, though, things have not been a cake walk. The worldwide closures have cancelled most my mom’s trips to various places around the world. She had incredible adventures planned, all of which were scrubbed one after another as countries continued to keep their doors closed to travelers. My mom found other activities to do and tried her best to keep herself busy.

In January, her neck started bothering her. She has had neck and back issues in the past. Over 40 years ago, she had a fusion in her spine. It seemed as though the pain was right above the fused vertebrae. She tried and tried to get in to see her doctor. It was a long arduous process to see her primary care physician. Then she needed to be referred to a specialist.

The process dragged on and on. Her pain grew worse and worse. She started having significant muscle weakness in her arms and shooting pains down her legs. After doing her own research, she found another doctor halfway across the country who is very knowledgeable about the neck. She was able to see the doctor. He informed my mom her neck is a mess. There are several things wrong with it. She needs surgery and needs surgery soon.

The surgery is scheduled for next week, but a big hurdle has to be cleared: insurance approval. The days are ticking down, but her insurance company has not given the green light. We are all impatiently waiting for the insurance company to make a decision. If my mom does not get this surgery and get the surgery soon, her symptoms will become permanent. Her spinal cord is being compressed. If the neck continues to degenerate, the spinal cord will be damaged.

So, this year for my mom’s birthday, if you could take time and pray for my mom’s surgery to be approved and for the surgery to resolve her neck issues, I would ever be so grateful. Thank you and Happy Birthday Mom!

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