Five years ago, I attended a friend’s funeral. She was a mother, a daughter and a regular at church. She had musical abilities and was exceptional with the culinary arts.
When the woman passed away, I listened at the funeral to people’s remarks about the woman. They recalled my friend’s ability to make this dessert or that side dish. People salivated as they thought about her candy, cakes and other sweet treats. I was shocked by how much people were going to miss this woman’s food. Did she not attend church regularly and serve the church on a regular basis? Did no one care about this woman’s devotion to God?
As I allowed the comments to penetrate my brain, I made a resolution: I wanted to be remembered at my funeral for my love for God. Yes, people could speak about other topics, but the one thing I wished to be remembered for is how hard I tried to serve God.
As the years have passed, I have diligently tried to serve God in the best way I know—through my words and actions. I do not proclaim I am doing anything in God’s name, but when people ask what I am reading (which is almost always the Bible) or what I am listening to (which is almost always the Bible or a sermon on the Bible), I hope my response helps the other person understand it is my life’s work to serve God.
I know some people like to loudly proclaim their actions are to serve the blessed One, but I prefer to keep undercover. If someone notices I have a different attitude than the rest of the world, or I am not bothered by the chaos around me, I prefer for my uniqueness to set me apart.
Recently, some of my friends posted on my Facebook page about my love and dedication to serve God. Their words made me cry. For five years, I have been striving to love the LORD God with all my heart, soul and mind..and it seems a few people have noticed. For that I am extremely grateful. I have no idea how people will remember me when I go the way of the dust, but I truly hope they remember me for the person who lived, died and tried…always failing short of the glory of God, but always striving to become a better person in God’s image.