Thursday, November 5, 2020

Pain meds!? It's 2020. No one gives pain meds.

In September, I had an upper endoscopy. The scope did not touch my pancreas, but after the procedure, my pancreas was very angry. I was in a tremendous amount of pain. Although I was given fentanyl, fentanyl only works 15-20 minutes. Then, the pain comes roaring back. Moreover, too much fentanyl makes me really sick.

As I prepare for this procedure, I think up a brilliant plan. I have oral pain meds, but it takes an hour for them to kick in. They last about 3-4 hours. Since I always have my ventilator with me, I tape a pain med along with one Tylenol tablet to the inside pocket of my ventilator bag. When I get out of the procedure, I will ask for water. When the nurse is away, I will grab the pain meds and put them in my mouth. When I get the cup of water, I will carefully swallow the pills. An hour after the procedure, the pain meds will be working. I then I will be able to go home and not be in horrible pain.

On the day of the procedure, it takes about 15 minutes for me to wake up enough from the anesthesia to gain my faculties. I am shaking in pain. This procedure went into my pancreas. My pancreas is furious! I am given 50 of fentanyl. When I stop shaking, I ask for water. I quickly find my pain pill and Tylenol tablet and pop them into my mouth. When the nurse returns, I have a little bit of difficulty swallowing the pills because my mouth is dry, and the tablets are stuck on my tongue. I finally am able to take a sip of water and turn my head as if to look at my vitals monitor. The upward motion allows the pills to break free from my tongue and glide down my throat. I look at the clock. It is 9:27 a.m. It will take an hour for the pills to kick in.

The nurse gives me 50 more of fentanyl. The nurse then asks if anything helps with pain. I tell him hydrocodone works well. My doctor appears at this moment in my cubicle. The nurse asks the doctor if I can have something longer lasting for my pain such as hydrocodone. I am asked which one I take. I say 5 mg helps with the pain. The nurse then says, "What about 10 mg?" I say 10 mg will get rid of the pain, but 5 mg will help with the pain. The doctor orders 10 mg of hydrocodone for the pain.

I am absolutely dumb-founded at this moment. I had just taken 5 mg of hydrocodone with one Tylenol tablet. I thought this was a brilliant plan. No one ever offers me anything long lasting. No one ever thinks to order something which will help more than 15-20 minutes. I am given more fentanyl. Around 10:30 a.m., I am given the 10 mg of hydrocodone. I do not take the pill as I have already taken 5 mg of hydrocodone, and it is starting to take effect. When the nurse is not looking, I slip the pill into my ventilator bag.

With the hydrocodone and fentanyl, my pain is down to a 3 on the pain score. My nurse notes the improvement in my pain. He informs the doctor my pain is doing much better. Around 11:30 a.m., I am transferred from the post-anesthesia unit to day surgery. As I am changing into my street clothes, I ask my nurse if the doctor had given me anything for pain when I am at home. She says no, but she will ask my doctor for something. To my shock, the nurse informs me a few minutes later that the doctor sent a prescription for pain meds to my pharmacy.

During the six hour ride home, I take another 5 mg of hydrocodone. It feels as though my stomach is trying to push my intestines out through my rectum. The pain is awful. I normally would not take that much pain medicine, but I think to myself, "Well, now the 10 mg hydrocodone I got at the hospital will replace the two 5 mg tablets I took from my own meager pain medicine supply. Nothing was lost during this visit."

When I arrive home, my mom goes to the pharmacy to get the pain meds. I am blown away when the prescription is for 10 mg of hydrocodone. Pain pills are very precious. I have constantly been left in the past screaming for hours on end because no one will give me pain meds, even at the hospital. These precious pills are not to be taken unless everything else fails. Now, I will have some pills to help get me through this time while my pancreas is inflamed. I will not have to go to the emergency department if the pain gets severe. What an incredible blessing!

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