Thursday, October 22, 2020

When boredom becomes a blessing

As I sit in Bible study, I am fighting to keep my eyes open. After spending five long days in the hospital (and subsequently four nights without almost no sleep), my body desperately wants to slip off to dreamland. 

As we go through prayer requests, an attendee asks how I have been. She has been away for several months visiting her family and helping her daughter make a cross country move. I briefly state I just got out of the hospital and arrived home about 2.5 hours ago. I am feeling much better now that I have been on IV antibiotics.

Another attendee at Bible study points to her heart and says, "Don't forget about all the other things you have been through." As I look at her hand, my mind quickly thinks back to the last three months. Oh yeah, I had all those issues with my heart and blood clots. I am stunned as I realize the last three months have been a marathon. I have had countless appointments and tests. I lost count how many times I went to the emergency department. Then I also had some hospitalizations. 

I am in disbelief this has been my life. How did this all happen? Where did my tranquil life from this spring go?

I think back to the month of April. I am relaxing on the porch and am incredibly bored. I want to do something; I want to go somewhere. But strict lock-down measures mean we are not allowed to go anywhere unless it is "essential". I pass my days writing Bible studies and studying God's word.

As Bible study begins, one attendee asks how I had time to write a Bible study for this week. I smile and say, "Oh, I wrote this back in April when we were in lock down." I then nearly start laughing. All those days and weeks when I was yearning to go somewhere, I had used the time to get ahead in Bible study. I could have never imagined how valuable those days would be now that I have so much less time. As much as I hated and despised the lock downs, I thank God for this blessing. It is incredible how God used even stay-at-home measures to set up a better tomorrow. What a mighty God we serve!

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