Friday, July 31, 2020

Limping along together

Last weekend, my dad was trying to do some work outside. I am not entirely sure how everything played out in the story, but the end result is that my dad's left ankle is massively swollen. His toes on his left foot are all black and blue. The poor guy has not gone to the doctor. Instead, he says he can move his toes; he did not break anything. He limps along wherever he goes.

This morning, I woke up and I had a twinge of pain in my left lower leg. I ignored it. When I put weight on the leg, the pain intensified. I again assured myself it was nothing. When I went back to bed, my leg exploded in a fit of pain! First is was my ankle. Then it was my calf. Then my knee hurt also. I suddenly felt something like a bolt of electricity shoot from my leg to my heart. My chest erupted in pain! Slowly the pain lessen in intensity.

As the day progressed, three areas on my left leg hurt. I called my doctor. I am to have imaging done on my leg next week.

I laughed when as I was limping along, my dad passed me limping along. We both are nursing our left legs. I thought to myself, "He should come with me next week to have his ankle and foot examined. Maybe we can get a two for one deal at the clinic." May we both find healing soon.

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