Tuesday, June 23, 2020

She's home safely with all her belongings!

My mom has been stir crazy since everything has been shut down due to the virus. Her daily outings to restaurants have ceased. My numerous doctors appointments and long distance trips to medical facilities have all been canceled. Her extended vacation to Europe (including a cruise through the Baltic) has been rescheduled to next year. She finally decided to go one place which was open: Las Vegas.

I was nervous about her trip. I could care less about a microscopic bug. However, I was concerned about her safety and having a good time even though she was going to be traveling alone. I was also nervous because my mom has a tendency to misplace and lose things. Traveling alone means no one will be looking out for her--to pick up things she drops and see an item she may have left behind. I did the one thing I could to help my mom: I prayed continually that she would be safe and not lose any of her belongings.

At the airport, she met two friends who attend church with her. They all were on the same flight. When she arrived in Laughlin, she had a room which ended in her favorite number. The next day, she faced a serious dilemma: she needed to go back to the airport to pick up her rental car. There were no car rental shuttles. Uber, Lyft and taxis were running very few cars, making it extremely hard to hire a car to get a ride to the airport. Next, my mom thought of an ingenious plan: she went to the parking garage and asked people going to their cars if she could get a ride to the airport. She found one woman who agreed. When they arrived at the airport, my mom insisted on paying for the ride. The woman refused.

After getting her car rental, my mom was off to Las Vegas. Once again in Las Vegas, she had a room which ended in her favorite number. She had a beautiful room overlooking the Las Vegas strip.

Whilst there, my mom linked up with a man who does YouTube videos about Las Vegas. My mom was interviewed as a guest on this man's show! (I was stunned and flabbergasted my mom mentioned my YouTube channel during the interview. The host picked up on it and said the name of my channel several times!)

When my mom returned back to Laughlin, she again met the two woman from church. They had a lovely time chatting and getting caught up on life. (They have not seen each other in many months due to the church being closed.)

When my mom was on her way to the airport, she stopped to get breakfast at a restaurant. She was in a hurry. When she arrived at the airport, she could not find her credit card, debit card or photo ID. She was frantic. She looked everywhere, but it seemed the cards must have fallen out of her purse.

Thankfully, she was able to get through airport security without a government issued ID. It was a lengthy process, but the TSA was very polite and kind. There was supposed to be no service on the plane, but to her surprise, the flight crew gave each passenger a generous supply of snacks in a plastic bag.

When my mom arrived home, she began searching her luggage for the lost items. Then she thoroughly looked through her purse. To her relief, her debit card, credit card and photo ID were in a deep outside pocket of her purse. She never uses that pocket, but when she was at the restaurant, she must have quickly shoved the items in her purse and placed them in the pocket and not in the inside zipper compartment.

As my mom resumes her daily life, I sigh with relief. She had a grand adventure with many pleasant and unexpected surprises. I thank God over and over again for hearing all my prayers. "She made it! She's home safely! She came home with all her belongings! Hallelujah!"

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