Tuesday, June 16, 2020

EDS: Snap, crackle, pop!

For the last several days, I have been gingerly moving around. When filming my last video, I sat in a position which must have put too much stress on my left hip. This caused my hip to slide out of joint and overstretched my muscles and ligaments. Now, my body is trying to recover, but it is hard to do since moving my leg is essential. (If I do not move my legs or hips, I will never be able to leave my bed to use the throne!)

One of the many conditions I have is called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS). In a nutshell, this condition occurs when you have faulty connective tissue. This can cause your joints to become unstable and can cause your joints to slide or even pop out of place.

Since I do not move a lot, I have been very blessed EDS has not bothered me too much lately. I have to be careful moving my shoulders, or they will sub-locate. I have to be careful bending my knees or they pop out of place. I have to be careful typing or my wrist joints slide around and cause horrible pain and swelling. But besides all this, my joints have not been too much of a burden. (I have not had any dislocated fingers and toes. My hip has not completely popped out of place. My ankles have not rolled. My jaw has not painfully popped when opening it.)

But now, it seems, my new adventure of making videos will have to have an additional layer of caution. I will have to carefully position myself so I do not put any additional stress on any of my joints.

People often wonder why I do things in strange ways. When your body likes to slide around, you have to find different ways to move...and sometimes those new ways often mean you look a little odd as you try to keep all your joints aligned and not get injured.

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