Thursday, June 8, 2017

Adventures in God's Garden

A few weeks ago, my parents bought a hummingbird feeder and a poll to mount the feeder. Unfortunately when they set up the feeder outside my window, it was too windy. The feeder whips back and forth in the wind, spilling the liquid bird food. The bird feeder was taken down and placed on a chair on the patio. Today as I was lying in bed, I was gazing out the patio window. Suddenly, I saw what appeared to be a dragonfly pause in front of the window and then fly toward the bird feeder. I thought to myself, "My! That was an odd looking dragonfly." I suddenly realized, "No! That was a hummingbird coming to get a drink from the bird feeder! Yahoo! How exciting!!!"

A little while later, I needed to go outside to the front pouch to check on my mom's plants. Upon entering the pouch, I heard what sounded like a tiny weed eater a short distance from me near the garage. I looked and there flying around some flowers was a hummingbird! Wow! Praise be to God!

As I was surveying the plants, my heart sank when I turned to one potter. My mom had planted some squash seeds in a planter with store bought soil. One beautiful plant came up and thrived. Unfortunately, the soil was infested with gnat eggs. Very soon there was an infestation of thousands of gnats. My mom tried everything to get rid of the gnats, but there were simply too many of them. She bought new soil and transplanted the plant. Unfortunately, the plant did not survive the move. It shriveled up and died within a few days. Despite this, my mom said to keep watering the plant until it was completely brown and decayed. I kept watering it, but yesterday, it was evident the plant was very dead. Today as I looked mournfully at the planter, I suddenly saw a healthy young seedling sprouting in the planter. Can this be!? Yes! A new squash plant is growing! Thank you Lord! What an incredible blessing and great gift for my mom! She will be so excited!

Next to the squash planter, there is a beautiful basket planter filled with lots of different flowers. Yesterday was quite warm. When I checked on the plants, this basket of flowers was very wilted and looked as though it was at death's doorstep. I gave the planter a big drink of water and prayed the flowers would come back to life. Today, as I gazed at the basket, I was filled with delight. The basket looked GORGEOUS!!! The flowers were perky and vibrant in color. Was this the same basket of flowers!? Thank you Jesus for bringing the flowers back to life!

"I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth" (1 Corinthians 3:6-7).

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