Wednesday, October 11, 2023

An Important Anniversary I Almost Forgot

A few days ago, I received a comment on YouTube reminding me about the date I dropped out of medical school. The person said she would be praying for me.

I appreciated the prayers, but I was rather bummed. I had completely forgotten about the anniversary. Now that I was reminded of it, that is the only thing which I have been able to think about.

When today came, I try to keep myself busy. The skies were cloudy, and I was informed it was going to rain. And soon, it did start raining. We are in a drought, and the rain greatly needed. I could not believe we were getting a real rain shower, and not just a few seconds of raindrops, which has been the usual amount of rain we have gotten since May.

As I looked at the rain which continued to fall for many hours, I smiled. It was as if God was taking all the millions of tears I have shed about dropping out of medical school and turned them into raindrops to water the earth.

I watched the birds play in the rain. It seemed they also enjoyed this rare water display from the heavens.

For many years, this day has been a day of sorrow and grief, but of late, I have decided to my sorrow into joy. I rejoice to see the rain, and I laugh as I watch the birds frolic in the water puddles. My life did not turn out the way I wanted, but I am glad I am still here to enjoy it.

“You have turned for me my mourning into dancing. You have put off my sackcloth and girded me with joy, to the end that my glory may sing praise to You, and not be silent, O LORD, My God, I will give thanks unto You forever.” (Psalm 30:11-12)

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