Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Weeping and Begging God. Then a MIRACLE!

Sometime in the last five years, I began following a young woman’s medical journey on Facebook. She is brave, but life has dealt her a less than ideal hand as far as her health is concerned. When an obstacle comes, she bravely puts on a stoic face and perseveres. She is such an inspiration.

Recently, an infection hit her body hard. It invaded her jaw, brain, hip, leg, etc. Her body was ravaged. The hospital where she was at was trying to help, but it was evident this young woman’s medical needs were far beyond what the hospital could offer. A request was made for her to go to one of the elite medical centers in the USA. A bed never became available.

Last week, the hospital gave up on my friend. They sent hospice in and said they were going to send her home. (She was being sent home to die.) I am not sure why, but I flew off into a hot rage! How dare this hospital treat this woman so poorly! They have dragged their feet over and over again, and the infection is spreading. Yes, it could end her life, but let’s see what the experts say at a world-renowned medical center.

I wept and sobbed. I cried out to God, “This is so not fair! Why is my friend stuck at that hospital? Why can’t she get better care?” I prayed and poured out my heart to God.

A few days later, I read an update. A miracle occurred. Her medical team decided she could continue to fight and should be transferred to the large hospital. My friend had been transferred and was seeing a plethora of specialists.

My sweet friend is by no means out of the woods. She had a VERY extensive surgery to get rid of the infection in her leg. She will have to have part of her jaw removed, have her jaw wired shut and wait for the infection to clear before going back in and fixing her jaw. She has a very long road to recovery…but there is a plan!

I have been praying for my friend day and night. I sincerely hope she is soon on the path to better health and this medical ordeal will quickly be nothing more than a distant memory.

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