Tuesday, May 10, 2022

One obstacle after another. Crawling through the days

Last week was extremely stressful. My monthly reminder of womanhood came. Five loads of laundry later, the mess was cleaned up. Then I had to film YouTube videos. I continued to be sick with my monthly friend. I went to a doctor’s appointment and was sent to the hospital. Sleepless nights followed. I had two drug reactions. Before getting anything resolved, I was sent home. Then it was time to unpacked from the hospital and frantically get caught up with life.

My computer’s battery failed while in the hospital. My mom tried to get the computer fixed, but it would cost over $1,000 for repairs. Thankfully, my mom gave me her old computer,
and she bought a new device. Then I had to transfer all my files to her old computer. I had to film more YouTube.

When I thought things might be calming down, I found out my appointment with a doctor this week needed a referral. Without a referral, the clinic would not bill my insurance. I would then be on the hook for the charges. I had to cancel the appointment. So, I now need to get an appointment to see my primary care provider and get a referral to the doctor.

Lastly, I need to find a gynecologist who will be able to remove my ovarian cyst. Perhaps this is a futile search, but there is one more doctor’s office I can call to ask if they accept my insurance. My ovarian cyst is growing and is causing pain. I need it removed, but who will do the surgery remains a mystery.

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