Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Trying to Create a Positive Forum

When people think of having a YouTube channel, they think it is all fun and games. Make a video about anything you want, upload and gain fame. As much as I would like to say this is YouTube, it largely is not. A lot of thought and work go into making videos. Moreover, the biggest secret to YouTube is the audience.

When posting a video, you have no control over the people who will view the film. Will they be in a good mood, have a bad temperament or are they just bored? Will they give your video a thumbs up, thumbs down or scroll right by the video? Moreover, will they leave a comment?

For most of the comments left on my YouTube page, I am notified via an email. When I see an email notifying me of a comment, my heart sinks. As much as I like comments, I do not like negative comments. I try to be tough as nails, but harsh words tear me up. I always pray the comment will be a positive one.

I have a general rule. I do not respond to comments until I have given myself several hours to several days to think over the words. I do not want my emotions to get in the way of my response. I try to keep my reply short and to the point. As much as I like free speech, there is a point in which negative comments are deleted. I want my channel to be a forum of information and positive encouragement. When someone says harsh words, it does not build up others; it only tears them down. As far as it is possible, I am trying to do my part to keep the internet positive and to create a community which enables others to be their best self.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

You do more good than you remember

I was watching a YouTube video about how to be a better person. The woman said one of our biggest stumbling blocks is not remembering the good things we do for others. If we have one bad experience during our day and yet help three people, the thing our mind focuses on is the negative and not the positive.

As this woman was speaking, a memory suddenly floated through my mind. Many years ago, I was lying in bed. I had recently had to drop out of medical school. I could do little more than lay in my bed with my computer propped up on a medical school textbook. I did endless research on various health afflictions, herbs, vitamins and nutrition. I was trying to figure out how to heal myself. Moreover, one fascination I have had for many years is cancer. I began researching cancer and ways to mitigate the effects of the affliction.

My mom hired a woman to come to our home and clean every few months. One day, the woman told us about her sister who had cancer. She was in extreme pain. Nothing seemed to help. The sister was in absolute agony.

Instantly, I remembered things from medical school and my recent cancer research. Cancer is a hungry critter. Glucose and vitamin C are very similar in structure. When glucose runs out, the cancer will start destroying vitamin C. Cancer patients who are experiencing pain are usually vitamin C deficient. Vitamin C is used in numerous cellular processes. A vitamin C deficiency will cause severe pain. To correct the problem, high doses of vitamin C are needed. It is best given intravenously.

I went online and found a research institute which outline the importance of vitamin C and how to correct a deficiency. I explained to the woman her sister is probably vitamin C deficient. Vitamin C infusions will most likely decrease the sister’s pain. I gave the woman a printed copy of the research. The woman left. Shortly thereafter, the woman got a different job. She stopped cleaning for us.

Several years later, I was at a local establishment. There was our old cleaning person. As soon as the woman saw me, she raced over to me and hugged me. She thanked me over and over again for the information about vitamin C. Her sister was started on vitamin C and her pain dramatically lessened. The sister died six months later, but the woman said she was incredibly grateful for the information I gave her. Although her sister died, she did not died in agony. For that she was very thankful for.

As the woman was telling me all this, I did not remember having any conversation about vitamin C. If this woman was thanking me, I must have helped her…but my memory was blank.

Over the next several hours, I kept trying to remember. I then vaguely remembered the day so many years before. As I kept trying to remember, the details began coming into focus. I then started recalling the details to mind.

If I would have never seen the cleaning woman again or if she would not have thanked me, I would probably never have remembered giving the woman information about vitamin C. I would have never known the research helped lessen her sister’s pain. There are many bad things I remember, but this one good deed has all but slipped my mind. I had forgotten about it again until this woman on YouTube said we often forget the good. We do more good deeds than what we remember.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Tired Out, Trying Not to Cry

This week has been a week I wish to never repeat. My body is riddled with exhaustion. So many things have gone awry. People have gotten mad at me. I tried to disscern why the ill will was being directed toward me, but I failed to figure it out. I found out I will probably never seen a very dear friend again. Additionally, friends who were coming to visit me have now decided not to.

My YouTube video was flagged and had an audience restriction of only age 18 and older. I was forced to re-edit my video trying to replace real life photos with cartoon photos. (YouTube did not like me showing granulation tissue—a common complication with having a tracheostomy tube.) I think my YouTube thumbnail was ok, but I went back and created a different thumbnail to make sure my account was not flagged again for being too graphic.

My IV nutrition called TPN was not delivered. It seems to be missing. All this took a tremendous toll on my energy levels.

Throughout these events, God has been abundantly kind. I received unexpected praise for doing ordinary actions. Kind words were posted on my YouTube channel, Facebook page and email. I struggled to respond to all the messages.

I hope next week there will be less stress and drama. I hope next week I will have more energy to appreciate God’s goodness.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

2021 in Review

I made it through another year. I rejoice that I will live to see another year. What a blessing since I always consider Dec 10, 2008 the day I should have died. I was extremely sick with sepsis. My body was shutting down. But God allowed me to live. Each day week and year is nothing but a miracle and precious gift. Here are the highlights for 2021.

1. I was extremely sick from malnutrition. I could not eat due to severe chronic pancreatitis. When my body was quickly deteriorating, I was started on IV nutrition called TPN. My body was able to pull out of this tailspin.

2. I became sick with sepsis. My IV line I use for TPN became infected. My heart was failing and my immune system was shutting down. Thankfully, God once again intervened. Antibiotics and other therapies allowed my body to recover.

3. I met an ice road trucker!!! So exciting! I love truckers and appreciate their hard work to keep North America running.

4. Blood clots: I cannot tell you how many blood clots I have had. They have developed in my IV line arm, legs, lungs and brain. Once again, I am very thankful to have made it through these hurdles.

5. 1,500 subscribers on YouTube! Thank you to everyone who has supported me on my YouTube channels. I am over-abundantly blessed by your love and kindness.

6. My TPN nurse. After many years of struggling through symptoms, an incredible nurse who manages my TPN has made some diagnoses which have helped get me medical treatment and has improved some of my symptoms. I am so grateful for my nurse!

7. Generator! After losing power for many days last February, my dad bought a generator. Soon, the electrical will be re-done to allow the generator to hook into our house’s electrical system. Then if the power goes out, I still will be able to power my medical equipment.

8. Local Farmers: I am grateful local farmers continue to farm and produce delicious organic food. This has sustained me through food shortages at the grocery store.

9. Birds: I love creatures which fly through the air. I smile and thank God when birds and other winged creatures visit our backyard. I gaze endlessly as I analyze their behaviors. There is often never a dull moment when birds come for a visit!

10. Mr. Toad: There is a toad who makes his home a planter in front of our house. The toad will greet me when I look at the plants. He will also scare me when he decides to jump out when the planter gets watered. He makes me smile and laugh.

May 2022 be your best year yet!