Tuesday, December 14, 2021

31 tomatoes…An Unexpected Blessing!

Over the weekend, my mom attended a farmer’s market. She called me as she went from vendor to vendor asking what produce items I wanted. When she came to one stall, she asked me if I wanted tomatoes. I said, “Yes, three or four tomatoes would be great.” My mom replied she did not have a lot of money with her. I then said, “That is fine. Get me one or two tomatoes.” The phone conversation ended.

When my mom arrived home, she gave me many surprise items such as fresh green beans, lettuce, salad mix and of course tomatoes. When I was emptying one shopping bag, there were three bags of tomatoes. I then sorted through another shopping bag which had another bag of tomatoes. I was confused. I thought, “Why did my mom get so many tomatoes?” I then asked my mom this question.

She told me that is what I had asked for. I had wanted 3-4 bags of tomatoes. I laughed. I said, “No. I wanted 3-4 TOMATOES not BAGS of tomatoes!” As I took the tomatoes out of the plastic bags, I counted. There were 31 tomatoes! I laughed. Oh my! What am I going to do with so many tomatoes.

I have a recipe for jambalaya. It uses fresh tomatoes. Since getting fresh tomatoes is often hard, I make the entree sparingly. Well, it seems now I have fresh tomatoes. So jambalaya here I come!

When the dish was finished cooking, I eagerly used a ladle to scoop out some stew and placed it into a bowl. I then enjoyed the delicious contents. OH MY!!! This was so good! I had forgotten how sumptuous this food was. And just like that. My 31 tomatoes were turning into an incredible blessing. I have about 25 more tomatoes left. My mind is dreaming of all the delicious food these tomatoes will make.

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