Thursday, September 19, 2019

From surrounded by sewage to singing hallelujah, what a joyful miracle!!!

I often tease my parents, "When the cats are away, the house falls apart." It seems every time my parents go away on a trip something happens to our house. Examples include the dishwasher breaking and leaking water all over the kitchen, ants invading our house, the garage door malfunctioning, a swarm of thousands of bees taking up residence in our home, etc., etc. My parents often deny anything out of the ordinary happens whilst they see the world. I, however, beg to differ.

On Sunday, I notice my toilet is making odd sounds every time I flush it. Sunday evening, after I flush it, I suddenly hear a LOUD explosion! (Thankfully, I had just used the toilet, or I am pretty sure I would have had an accident!) I open up the toilet lid and see the toilet did not flush. I retrieve the plunger and start plunging away. Nothing seems to happen. I look over to my shower, and to my horror, sewage is bubbling up from the drain! There is about 2 inches of murky water covering my shower floor. I am concerned at this point. But, not knowing what else to do, I leave the bathroom. A half hour later, I return to the bathroom. There is still sewage in the shower, and now there is water leaking from the base of my toilet and is all over my bathroom floor! I grab a mop and bucket and start mopping up the water.

When the urge next arises, I decide to use my parents' bathroom. Thankfully, that toilet flushes. It appears that sewage is not backing up into my bathroom. However, I still use their bathroom sparingly as I do not want anything to add to the sewage mess in my bathroom. The sewage from the rest of the house seems to be draining directly into my bathroom. Any time I use the kitchen sink, all that water finds its way to my shower floor.

Henceforth, I cannot use the dishwasher. I cannot use the clothes washer. I cannot rinse any dishes. I cannot dump anything down any of the sinks. Additionally, the sewage is really smelling up my bathroom...and the bathroom is adjacent to my room. I have to keep the bathroom door closed and run the exhaust fan in an attempt to keep the sewage smell from entering my room.

I reuse dishes and try to keep my clothes clean to avoid accumulating laundry. My dad said he will look at the problem when he returns from his trip...he will be home the end of September.

I try to keep a positive attitude and try to stay on top of the cleanup from the water which seems to constantly be leaking from my toilet. I use an empty 32 ounce yogurt container to scoop water out of my shower and into a bucket to prevent the sewage from breaching the shower and cascading on to my bathroom floor. Between mopping the floor and collecting water from my shower, I haul about 100 gallons of sewage out of the house and dump it into the grass. My arms ache, and my hands are red and blistered.

Almost exactly 72 hours after the sewage pipe clogs, it instantly opens up again! I am in the bathroom scooping out water from the shower into a bucket. Suddenly, I hear the toilet make an add sound and then it flushes. I then look to my shower. Immediately, the sewage makes a mad dash for the shower drain. In about 10 seconds, my shower is sewage free! I am in disbelief! I am trying to send praises up to God, but my shock from the entire situation leaves my brain in a jumbled mess. I reach over to turn on the shower. I watch with glee as the water flows freely down the drain. Next, I flush the toilet. I have NEVER been so thrilled to watch toilet bowl water effortless leave my toilet and clean water instantly reappear.

My friends, I do not know if any of y'all have ever had sewage issues in your life, but for me, this experience makes me extremely grateful I live in this country at this time in history. What a glorious invention indoor plumbing is. What a kind, caring and merciful God we serve!

"Shout joyfully to the LORD, all the earth.
Serve the LORD with gladness;
Come before Him with joyful singing.
Know that the LORD Himself is God;
It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves;
We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving
And His courts with praise.
Give thanks to Him, bless His name.
For the LORD is good;
His lovingkindness is everlasting
And His faithfulness to all generations."
(Psalm 100)

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