Tuesday, March 20, 2018

When the light goes out (Part One)

Many, many years ago, when I was just a young hatchling in middle school, I had a profound experience, which has greatly impacted my life. As much as this experience wants to fade into the background, the lessons learned continually reappear in my life. Sometimes I act as I should, and sometimes I remain rooted to the ground, unable to do anything but watch the events unfold. When I do not obey, tragic things happen.

When I was in middle school, we had main core classes during the entire school year. We also had elective classes such as music, art and foreign language which changed every semester. At the beginning of second semester of my sixth grade year, one of my electives was technical education (tech ed). This class included learning how to use various power tools and saws, learning how to draft, and acquiring other exciting skills I plan to never use again. The teacher of the class was very well liked by the entire school. The man was very patient, kind, soft-spoken and had a friendly demeanor. No one ever had anything mean to say about the teacher. Both teachers and students found this wonderful man to be a very sweet friend.

The second day of class, I noticed the teacher seemed to not be feeling well. He pushed through class and kept a smile on his face. When the bell sounded, signaling the end of the period, all my classmates raced out of the door. I, of course, was always slow packing up my things. As I was hurrying to gather up all my belongings, I saw the teacher grimace and pump up and down his right arm. I then saw him take his left hand and squeeze his upper right arm as if he was trying to relieve a painful muscle cramp in his right arm. I remember thinking this was unusual. This meant something. But what did it mean? I didn’t think too long or hard about the matter for I needed to quickly flee the classroom to make it on time to my next class.

As I was scurrying toward the door, I felt the need to turn around. About ten feet behind me was the teacher. As I looked at the teacher, suddenly, a long fluorescent light bulb exploded right above the teacher’s head. Sparks showered down all around the teacher. The teacher replied, “Well, in all my years, I have never seen anything like that happen before.”

For me, the event was quite terrifying. When the light bulb exploded, the glowing aura which surrounded my teacher abruptly went dark. The bright light from the exploding light bulb seemed to illuminate that there was now a black shadow enveloped around my teacher. As the sparks rained down, it was as if the teacher’s life force was showering to the ground and was instantly extinguished. As I looked at my teacher, his body seemed to be cold and dark. There was no longer any energy radiating forth from his body. I had never seen anything like this before. I had never seen a person without an aura. The entire incident greatly frightened me. I immediately bolted out the door.

(Link to Part Two click here)

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