Monday, March 13, 2017

My epic saga to get eyeglasses continues...

For two and a half years, I have been on a quest to get glasses which have the correct prescription in them. After going to the eye doctor in January, I thought I would finally get glasses in which I could see without developing a bad headache. (For details about the last two and a half years and a short summary about my January visit, please visit my January 5, 2017, post entitled, "Weird day, but Habakkuk saves the day"

After receiving my glasses in January, I immediately knew the prism in the glasses was wrong. Wearing the glasses caused me to develop a headache so severe, I had to go to bed and cover my eyes for the rest of the day. I went back to the eye doctor to let them know the prescription was too strong for me. They tested the glasses and discovered there was no prism in the glasses. So, the glasses were remade with the correct prism.

When I got the new glasses, I again tried to wear them, but again, the glasses made me very ill. I went back to the eye doctor. This time, the new eyeglasses were made correctly. However, it was discovered that the glasses I got a year and a half ago had the wrong prescription in them! There was no prism in the right eye lens. This is utterly comical because my right eye is my weak eye, and the eye which needs the prism. Usually when prism is prescribed, the prism strength is split between both eyes to avoid having a thick lens on one side of the frame and a normal, thin lens on the other side. Well, when my glasses were made, the prism was supposed to have been split between the two eyes, but apparently the right eye lens was not given the proper prism strength. For a year and a half, my right eye has been throbbing in pain, and I am always dizzy...well now I know why.

Later this week, I have an appointment to get an exam to try to determine the correct eyeglass prescription. Hopefully this time, I will get a prescription which does not cause headaches and dizziness, and hopefully the eyeglasses will be made according to the prescription. "Lord, please let my vision headaches be over soon. I would really enjoy being able to see without being dizzy and without having eye pain. Thank you for having a sense of humor and allowing me to observe the foolishness of this all. I am still laughing about this seemingly endless saga. May I be able to glorify You through this all. Amen."

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