Monday, September 5, 2016

Supplements: Energy Increasers

As a follow-up to my supplement overview post, here is a list of a few supplements which help increase the body's ability to produce energy.

Co Q10: This supplement is so crucial for anyone with energy deficiencies. This supplement helps give your body the needed building block to produce energy. The organs most benefitted by Co Q 10 are those with the highest energy needs--heart, liver, brain, etc. The supplement is available in liquid and pill form. The liquid form is absorbed quickly and is handy to take when in the midst of an energy crisis. Also, if you are taking a statin drug, please consider taking CO Q10. Statins starve the body of CO Q10 and can cause metabolic diseases such as mitochondrial disease.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine: This is my wonder drug! Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR) is used in the mitcohondria to shuttle fatty acids into the mitochondria for energy use. Many folks with mitochondrial disease  have an inability to shuttle glucose into the mitochondria to make ATP (energy). The use of fatty acids is an essential way for cells to make energy and avoids the defective glucose energy process. For me, ALCAR affects my heart the most. ALCAR greatly lessens the debilitating chest pain and lessens the severity of my postural orthostatic tachycardia (elevated heart rate when not lying down).

Vitamin B-Complex: The B vitamins are essential in energy production. All B vitmanins convert food (carbohydrates) into fuel (glucose). Although you can take the B vitamins separately, it is best to take a B-complex since all the B vitamins are used in energy production. There are various B-complex strengths. In general, B-100 has a good dose of all the B vitamins.

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