Last week, I was notified by my respiratory therapist the medical equipment company wanted to switch my Trilogy 100 to a Breas Vivo 45 LS. Since I do not know anything about the Breas ventilator, I did a quick YouTube search to find out information about the machine. One of the videos stated the Breas Vivo 45 LS has been recalled. I found a copy of the recall online.
The machine off gases formaldehyde in warm temperatures. The ventilators are not supposed to be used in temperatures above 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius). When I read this information, I was immediately concerned. Summertime temperatures can easily go over 86 degrees where I live. If I got this ventilator, I would not be able to leave home during the summer months. This machine was not for me.
I reached out to my medical equipment company. They told me I can either switch to the Breas or to the Trilogy Evo. (I have tried the Trilogy Evo in the past, but I cannot tolerate the machine). The company is not concerned the Breas releases formaldehyde in warm temperatures.
I was not satisfied with this answer. I emailed the company Breas and asked if using the Breas Vivo 45 LS in temperatures was safe. A woman emailed me back. She asked for my phone number and said she would call me. She also said she would forward on my concerns to a clinician and a distributor in my area. They were going to contact me to let me know if the Breas Vivo 45 LS was safe to use.
That all transpired on Friday. Today, no one called me back. Furthermore, I received an email stating my case was closed, and there would be no further contact with the company Breas.
I was a little upset by this. My medical company is distributing the Breas Vivo 45 LS, and I have no idea if it is safe to use. And now, Breas is also not contacting me to let me know about any safety issues with their ventilator.
I wish I could stay on my trilogy 100, but I was told I have to change to a different machine because the medical company needs to send back all Trilogy 100's to the manufacturer since they have been recalled.
I patiently wait, wondering how this will all turn out. "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path." (Proverbs 3:5-6)